Daily Archives: February 4, 2011

Post-A-Day2011 ~ Good Morning!

My best days happen when I jump out of bed, and greet my day with “What do I get to do today?” instead of “What do I have to do today?” or “What should I do today?”
(A Boogie Buddy at planetSARK coined the words. If I knew for sure who it was, I’d give them credit…)

I get to write.
I get to do the dishes in Joy Bubbles.
I get to plow snow and drive the tractor and think and write in my head.
I get to sit on the deck, in a 20F heat wave, with my dog and a cup of hot coffee, while watching woodpeckers at the feeder.
I get to pay the bills.
I get to edit words and images.
I get to nap and dream.
I get a day “off” to do what I love.
I get to love!
What do you get to do today?

Whatever “it” is I hope you LOVE.

Namaste ~ Star Bear